Scorlling below, you can see how you can benefit from our services to you.
More than just a Market Research
When your company is considering of going to the Japanese market seriously, market research is essential. A.Y.Mirai offers comprehensive researches based on the needs of each customer. Outcome of the research determines the further steps or sometimes it leads to ”no go” decisions.
Does your business have potential in Japan?
Our target is to interpret the status of the selected market and explain the business potential according to the facts. Our market research is not only the collection of data, but also the several business proposals, what the customer can do with their product/service in the Japanese market. In-depth research will be done with the cooperation of A.Y.Mirai network of experts in Japan. Market research may take a few weeks to a few months depending on the volume of each study.
Affordable price
Our services are tailored to each customer's needs and budget. We strive to get the best results for the client with a reasonable investment. Book a free consultation and we will provide you with the most attractive project plans.